New Call of Duty: Quad Team Sets Warzone World Record

One Call of Duty: Warzone squad recently amassed an unbelievable 162 kills in a Quads mode match, shattering the previous record for the most kills in a single round.

The record was set by well-known Call of Duty broadcasters TeePee, Symfuhny, HusKerrs, and DougisRaw. In a Warzone match, there are 150 participants, therefore this team eliminated the vast majority of them by themselves. Highlights from the accomplishment are seen in the video down below.

In response to the milestone, Call of Duty professional player Nadeshot tweeted, “Wow, I can’t even fathom how you guys pulled this off. GGs.”

The previous record for the most kills in a Warzone Quads battle is currently unknown, and the records for the game’s other game modes, such as Solos, Duos, and Trios, are also unknown.

In other news, Iskra, a new Operator, was recently added to Warzone. In addition to two new Legendary weapons, the “Savagery” helicopter vehicle skin, an Epic Finisher, and other items, she is offered as a retail bundle. Read more mobile games here at Daman Games Tips.

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