In honor of Shueisha’s Weekly Shnen Jump anthology’s 50th anniversary, Spike Chunsoft created and Bandai Namco Entertainment released Jump Force, a Japanese crossover fighting game featuring characters from numerous manga series. On February 14, 2019, the game was made available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One users in Japan. The following day, Windows users all around the world could also download it. On August 28, 2020, a Nintendo Switch port became available all around the world. Critics gave the game a variety of ratings.
Jump Force is a one-on-one fighting game where players take control of a team of three characters from a variety of manga series that are featured in the Weekly Shnen Jump magazine. Players take control of one character at a time while the others serve as support characters, and they can switch between them during combat. Players move around a 3D space while using different combos and special moves to attack their opponents. Combat works similarly to previous Jump fighting games like J-Stars Victory VS, Dragon Ball Xenoverse sub-series, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm sub-series, and One Piece: Burning Blood. When one team completely drains the other’s health bar, the game is over.
Jump Force Creator
Jump Force is a video game that was created by Spike Chunsoft and released by Bandai Namco. The game, which was developed to celebrate Weekly Shnen Jump’s 50th anniversary, uses the Unreal Engine 4 video game engine. The original characters created for the game were created by Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama. Microsoft’s press conference at E3 2018 included the announcement of Jump Force. In Japan, it was released on February 14 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and in the west, it was published on February 15 for those same platforms as well as Windows. In April 2020, a Nintendo Switch port was declared. On August 28, 2020, Jump Force Deluxe Edition, a Switch version of the game that contains the first Character Pass’s downloadable content, was made available everywhere. Be updated on your favorite mobile games here at Daman Games Tips.